Dark Comedy/Fantasy.  Short Film.

Margret is a wreck. At age thirty five, she’s going nowhere. The misguided artist finds herself trapped in a prison of her own creation, as the cocaine and years of debauchery wear her down. Her poor old teddy bear, Mr. Gregory, is her only true comfort. Play time ends abruptly one night as Mr. Gregory pounces to life in a fit of rage. Margret questions her own sanity as her teddy lectures her on her misdeeds. It’s time for Margret to grow up!



Full Film


The dark comedy/fantasy feature screenplay “Stuffed!” is based on “Grow the Fuck Up!”.

You can watch the prequel to GTFU at Christmas Stuffing.

If you would like to know how the concept for “Grow the Fuck Up!” came into being?  Check out, It came to me in a dream.


Photo Gallery – Captures and Production Stills

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